Your bedroom is your go-to place for rest and rejuvenation and to recharge your batteries for the day ahead.

Your bedroom is your go-to place for rest and rejuvenation and to recharge your batteries for the day ahead.

When it comes to this indispensable space, the goal of creating a peaceful haven seems to be a central theme.

At Beds R Us, we’ve put together an inspired guide to creating a more relaxing bedroom.

Remember That Less Is More

The trend of minimalist living is also referred to as ‘values-based living. It’s a turn toward keeping only what you need/use, recycling and minimising waste and organising most efficiently. The takeaway when it comes to your bedroom decor? Having a cleaner and tidier space may help you feel like you can settle your mind better before sleep.

You may like to consider decluttering and organise your bedroom according to what is most practical. Stripping things back to a bed with a quality mattress, some bedside drawers and a few other straightforward storage solutions, like a tallboy, might be just the ticket. Pack away what you don’t need for a more refreshed bedroom overall.

Find An Ideal Position For Your Bed

Have you heard about Feng-Shui? Well, you don’t have to be a Zen-Master to adopt at least a few of the values of this Eastern practice (which looks at the relationship between the flow of energy and the placement of objects in a living space). At the end of the day, it’s about creating a tranquil atmosphere that you feel might serve you best in getting some good quality sleep.


1. Accessibility
Your bed should be placed where it is easily accessed from both sides, if possible.

Bed Alignment

2. Bed Alignment
Try to avoid having your bed positioned directly in line with your bedroom door.

Away From Door

3. Away From Door
A great location for your bed is in the area farthest from your door.

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Create An Optimal Furniture Arrangement

Create An Optimal Furniture Arrangement

A minimalist approach and a Zen-based approach to living do take furniture arrangement into consideration. The general advice is to keep your items well-spaced. In creating adequate clearance and room for movement, it’s likely everything will look cleaner and “just-so”. You may also experience improved airflow.

Check out some quick Feng Shui based tips on how to rearrange your bedroom furniture below.

1. Shut the door
Keep all doors closed at night including your closet or ensuite door. The Feng Shui-based reasoning is that this may help keep ‘nourishing energy’ from escaping your bedroom. If that doesn’t resonate with you, it’s probably still the case that shutting your doors can help to make your bedroom feel more like a sanctuary.
2. Keep your mattress fresh
You should replace your old mattress when it is worn. Experts say this should be after five to ten years of use. But it’s more a matter of replacing when your bed no longer feels supportive and comfortable. Obviously, this is also a basic hygiene concern. You may want to invest in a mattress protector for improved mattress cleanliness and longevity of use.
3. Use the right size mattress
Focus on getting the right bed. This is especially important when you sleep alongside your partner. In that case, you’ll want a queen size mattress at the very least.
4. Pay attention to colour
Avoid tones that clash or sit on the opposite side of the colour-wheel, both in your bedroom walls and the contents of your room. Neutrals and pastels will encourage a sense of calm.
5. Look at your lighting
Bright and harsh lighting will stop you from resting. Try block-out curtains/blinds and dimmer switches. Make use of natural lighting during the day.
6. Declutter
Clutter is more than an eyesore. Some experts say it may even prevent and/or disturb sleep.
7. Unplug your electronics
Experts say that keeping electronics in your bedroom can make it harder for you to sleep. The association with activity and light emissions may contribute to over-stimulating your brain. Where possible, keep your electronics in another room or at least try limiting their use.
8. Add some air-purifying plants
Opt for oxygen-producing plants like a peace lily or jasmine. Greenery looks and feels amazing!
9. Remove fake and dried flowers
The artificial aspect is seen to be negative in aspect. Let’s be honest, these things are quite susceptible to dust so there are many benefits to avoiding them.
10. Safely burn some fragrant candles
Only second to fireplaces, candles are seen as one of the most powerful expressions of the feng shui element of fire. All in all, they smell amazing and feel romantic. Always observe safety precautions with open flames.

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